2019年4月19日(金曜日)から5 月8日(水曜日)まで豊見城総合公園陸上競技場にて合宿中のドイツ代表チームへインタビューを行いました。その様子をご紹介させていただきます!
▼Mr.Siegfried Schonert( ジークフリート・ショーナート氏)
今回、インタビューに対応していただいたドイツ代表陸上競技チームコーチMr.Siegfried Schonert( ジークフリート・ショーナート氏)に、沖縄県の印象や豊見城市での練習環境など以下の質問をさせていただきました!!
Q3 .オリンピック仕様のトラックである豊見城市の陸上競技場はいかがですか?
Q5. 沖縄県を観光して、印象に残った場所を教えてください。
Q1.How is your impression on Okinawa environment? Did you find any attractive aspect in Okinawa which so far you hadn’t found in other places?
A.Hotel, sports facilities,training gym and climate, in all aspects, everything is great enough for a training camp!
Q2.What was the reason to conduct the training in Okinawa?
A.When I inspected Okinawa before, I found nice climate and convenient access for air travel, so that we decided to choose here as a pre-training camp for the ”IAAF World Relays YOKOHAMA 2019″
Q3.How is your impression of the athletics stadium in Tomigusuku city which was rebuilt to meet the Olympic standard?
A.All the athletes are satisfied with the athletics stadium in Tomigusuku city. I have seen a lot of trucks all over the world but this Stadium made our team feel comfortable and highly motivated. I guess that the secret might be in the quality of the tartan track.
Q4.Is there any other aspect of Okinawa which you would like to mention besides the training facilities?
A.Even though we haven’t had enough time to interact with local people because of focusing completely on the training, we could feel the kindness of the local people. Specially the kids who watched our open practice on May 4, presented us with an Orizuru which is a sort of decoration paper crane. It was a heartwarming experience for us.
Q5.We assume you had the chance to do some sightseeing in Okinawa, please tell us the best 3 interesting places which you found in the island.
A.The Shuri castle, Senaga island and beach in Chatan town. these three places were very nice to observe and relax.
Q6.We hope that the Athletics team achieve their best performance during the training and obtain the best result in the 2019 IAAF. Please kindly give us a message for the Okinawan and Tomigusuku citizens.
A.This is the first time for us to visit Okinawa for a camping and it was the best choice for an ideal training camp. If there is another chance, I would like to visit Okinawa again. Lastly,I would like to say thank you to all who have supported our training camp! Thank you!