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21st Century Forest Gymnasium

The Northern Area

21st Century Forest Gymnasium

住所 2-1-1 Ominami, Nago city
営業時間 09:00〜21:30 [Closed hours] New Year's holiday
電話番号 0980-53-6890
Sports facility :
  • Gymnasium
Sports event :
  • Volleyball
  • Handball
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Kendo
  • Other Sports
Barrier-free info : Parking、Restroom、Wheelchair ramp
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Meeting room
  • Training room
  • AED
  • First Aid station
  • Sub Arena

For more details

住所 2-1-25 Ominami, Nago city
営業時間 09:00〜22:00 [Closed hours] New Year's holiday
電話番号 0980-52-3183
Sports facility :
  • Other facility
Sports event :
  • Budo
  • Sumo
Barrier-free info : Parking
  • Parking
  • Flood light

For more details

The Northern Area

Kin Town Municipal Budokan

住所 1832 Aza Kin, Kin-cho
営業時間 8:30-22:00(Tue-Sat) 8:30-17:00(Sun, Holidays) [Closed hours] Monday ( if Monday is a holiday then Tuesday will be closed )
電話番号 098-968-6990
Sports facility :
  • Other facility
Sports event :
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Judo
  • Kendo
Barrier-free info : Parking、Restroom、Shower room、Elevator、Wheelchair ramp
  • Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Training room
  • AED

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The Northern Area

Motobu Town Gymnasium

住所 467-1 Aza Urasaki, Motobu-cho
営業時間 09:00〜22:00 [Closed hours] Monday, Holidays, Okinawa Memorial Day, New Year's holiday
電話番号 0980-48-4300
Sports facility :
  • Gymnasium
Sports event :
  • Futsal
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Kendo
Barrier-free info : Parking、Restroom
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Training room
  • AED
  • First Aid station

For more details

住所 2142 Aza Hentona, Kunigami-son
営業時間 12:00-21:00(Mon, Wed-Fri) 9:00-17:00(Sat) [Closed hours] Tuesday, Sunday, Holidays
電話番号 0980-41-5776
Sports facility :
  • Gymnasium
Sports event :
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Judo
  • Kendo
Barrier-free info : -
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Training room
  • AED

For more details

住所 1-13-1 Nakama, Urasoe city
営業時間 09:00〜21:30 [Closed hours] New Year's holiday
電話番号 098-876-7322
Sports facility :
  • Gymnasium
Sports event :
  • Futsal
  • Volleyball
  • Handball
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Judo
  • Kendo
Barrier-free info : Restroom
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Meeting room
  • Training room
  • AED
  • First Aid station

For more details

住所 427 Aza Ota, Uruma city
営業時間 08:30〜22:00 [Closed hours] Tuesday ( if Tuesday is a holiday then Wednesday will be closed )
電話番号 098-973-0230
Sports facility :
  • Gymnasium
Sports event :
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Judo
  • Kendo
Barrier-free info : Parking、Restroom、Wheelchair ramp
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Meeting room
  • Training room
  • AED
  • First Aid station

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The Central Area

Uruma City Gushikawa Dome

住所 2336 Aza Gushikawa, Uruma city
営業時間 08:30〜22:00 [Closed hours] Tuesday ( if Tuesday is a holiday then Wednesday will be closed )
電話番号 098-973-0230
Sports facility :
  • Indoor Training Field
Sports event :
  • Futsal
  • Budo
  • Sumo
Barrier-free info : Parking、Restroom、Shower room
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Meeting room
  • AED

For more details

Uruma City Ishikawa Gymnasium
住所 1-2 Ishikawa Ishizaki, Uruma city
営業時間 08:30〜22:00 [Closed hours] Tuesday ( if Tuesday is a holiday then Wednesday will be closed )
電話番号 098-965-5121
Sports facility :
  • Gymnasium
Sports event :
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Judo
  • Kendo
  • Other Sports
Barrier-free info : -
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Meeting room
  • Training room
  • AED

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The Central Area

Okinawa City Budokan

住所 2-1-1 Moromizato, Okinawa city
営業時間 09:00〜22:00 [Closed hours] Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday ( if Tuesday is a holiday then Wednesday will be closed )
電話番号 098-932-0777
Sports facility :
  • Other facility
Sports event :
  • Budo
  • Karate
  • Judo
  • Kendo
  • Kyudo
Barrier-free info : Parking、Restroom、Wheelchair ramp
  • Parking
  • Large Bus Parking
  • Air-condition
  • Shower room
  • Changing room
  • Meeting room
  • AED
  • First Aid station
  • Wi-Fi

For more details